Standardization - Wikipedia

Standardization or standardisation is the process of implementing and developing technical standards based on the consensus of different parties that include firms ...


The NTC has developed standards to evaluate training procedures in order to ensure that all training offered will effectively prepare G.R.E.A.T.

Newmont Mining - Policies and Standards

Policies and Standards communicate the philosophy, rules and expectations of an organization. As an important part of Newmont’s internal governance process, new or ...

Data mining - Wikipedia

There have been some efforts to define standards for the data mining process, for example the 1999 European Cross Industry Standard Process for Data Mining ...

Mining safety | World Coal Association

The coal industry takes the issue of safety very seriously. Modern coal mines have rigorous safety procedures, health and safety standards and worker education and ...

Mining Law and Regulations

Jan 01, 1996· Mining Law and Regulations . ... of mining waste. These policies, standards, ... This program should provide a streamlined process for the purpose of

Data Mining Processes - ZenTut

This tutorial discusses about the data mining processes and give detail information about the cross-industry standard process for data mining (CRISP-DM).


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